Weekly Evaluative Diary

Weekly Diary

25th January 2015

Today I was given the new assignment and the new assignment was explained to and so that we would know what we had to do in the assignment. The assignment itself was briefly explained to us so that we could start the assignment for that Friday. This was for me to be able to get ahead on the assignment so that I could get ahead on the work for Friday.

29th January 2015

Today I continued to work on the Planning and Research and continued to work on at that piece of the assignment.  I also continued to research on what other designs that I could choose for my design. I also planned that I would have the planning and research finished for the next week so that I would be able to move onto the next piece of the assignment that had. Today I felt like I did a decent amount of work and I also feel that I managed to get a lot of work done on this day. I also feel like I developed a slight idea of the design that I wanted to create.

5th February 2015

Today I worked on both the Proposal for the assignment and also the two experiments that needed done as I had previously researched what my design was going to be like. While working in this on this day I managed to get most of the proposal finished and also managed to get a lot of the experiments done. That week I got both the proposal and also the experiments finished completely in my own time. I feel like by this time I was doing well in terms of keeping up with a schedule so that I was on time and would be able to hand in my assignment on time.

12th February 2015

Today I worked on at the thumbnails and also the list of directions that needed to be handed in for the assignment. The thumbnails that I created took quite a bit of time to complete and mainly took the majority of the day to complete. This was a problem for me as I was looking to work on at other pieces of work at this point and I could not as the Thumbnails took the majority of the day to compete. This means that over the week I will have to complete the work at home and will have to catch up with the schedule that I have create. I feel like this week I worked well however I have to catch up on some pieces of work that I could not do as the Thumbnails took longer than what I expected.

19th February 2015

 Today In class I completed the final design and also the evaluation. The final design that I completed took quite some time to complete and was mainly being worked on over the course of the assignment. As the assignment date is coming in quite quickly I also completed the evaluation too just to get it out of the way as I am running out of time. I feel like I complete the work that I needed and by this stage I feel like I am on schedule with getting things completed on time.

23th February 2015

Today I handed in my assignment and checked over some final stuff just to make sure that I had everything included and I also checked over the brief to make sure that I did included everything so that I did not loose out on any important marks.

26th February 2015

Today I was handed the assignment brief for task two. I made up a schedule for what had to be completed and when I had to be completed for. The lecturer went through the main details of the assignment and told us what we had to and what needed to be included in the assignment two. On this day I also started to work on the planning and research for the assignment and I worked through this for most of the day. During that week at home I also worked on graphic and branding research which is another part of the assignment and I had this finished by the start of the next class. Today I also received my feedback from the first task that I completed. The feedback that I received from my assignment was quite good and I am very happy with the results that I received from the written comments. However, I am feel like I need to put a lot more into the final design that I create.

4th March 2015

Today I started to work on the design planning that needs to be completed quite soon so that I will be able to keep on track with the assignment as the assignment is quite long with a limited amount of time to complete it. I will be continuing to also work on at the Design process at home which is mainly all of the different designs that I need to create. This week I feel like I am keeping myself on schedule as much as possible, as this assignment is quite large and daunting and as we don’t have a lot of time to finish this assignment.

11th March 2015

Today I started to work on at the design development documentation along with the design process to get my experiments and also the final design finished on time. I also will be working on the reflective review today so that I will get it finished on time. During the week I will also be working on the documentation up until the final deadline date as the date itself is very tight. I feel like this week I am on schedule to a certain point as I do not have much time to breath. I feel like up until this point I have did a good job at keeping up with the work that I need to complete. During the assignment I feel like I have not feel behind which is a good thing as I need to make sure that I keep up to date as much as I possibly can.

18th March 2015

Today I continued on with some of the design documentation that needed to be completed. Today I did a lot of the web graphics that needed to be done as I left this part to the last minute. As I have a lot of assignments going on at this time I feel like I have not done much this week, however I could not do that much as I had other types of assignments to complete at this time.

25th March 2015

Today I had to go back to some of my other documentation to correct it slightly as I had to add a little more in to the Proposal and I had to create another experiment that I did not originally do in the first place. What I needed to do was create a new experiment as I needed an extra one to be able to create an extra thumbnail. I also needed to add some stuff to my proposal as the first part of the proposal was slightly rushed and I needed to add an extra bit to it. I feel that this week has also been a bit crazy as I had other stuff going on at a time so I needed so I had little time to do much apart from make some minor adjustments.

1st April 2015

Today I made some adjustments to the thumbnails that I created and added another thumbnail as I forgot about one of the thumbnails and needed to create an extra one. In class today I created the extra thumbnail and looked over my final reflective review to make sure that I covered all points that I needed to cover. I feel like at this point I have pretty much covered everything that I needed to and checked over all of the work that I needed to for the hand in next week.

8th April 2015

Today I looked over all of my final stuff and made sure that everything that I needed to be in the assignments was in the work that I am going to submit. Once I had looked over all the stuff that I needed to I submitted my work on this day

As well as submitting my assignment two work I also received the assignment 3 submission brief from the tutor. The tutor went through all the stuff that he needed too to make sure that we knew what we where doing at that time. This was too allowing us to be able to

15th April 2015

Today I started to do the planning and research and also started to do the design planning. I will start this today to make sure that I get ahead in the assignment as I learnt my lesson from the last assignment. Doing two sections of the assignment in the one day did stress me out a little but it had to be done so that I could stay on target with getting stuff done.

22nd April 2015

Today I started to do the proposal and also the thumbnails and the experiments. However, at home I also completed the design development documentation. This was quite a stressful week as I needed to do a lot of different work to make sure that I got a lot of stuff finished. I feel like at this point I got a lot finished however I need to do the reflective review at next week to get it finished.

29th April 2015

Today I checked over work and also completed the reflective review just in time before handed my assignment in.

Currently I am working on at my assignment 4 which means that the diary will still be constantly updated to included that assignment also

Whenever it comes to the overall course its self, I feel like I have enjoyed the course and I have liked and enjoyed the content that has been involved within the course. In terms of anything that I didn’t like about the unit, I feel that there was a lot of research that was included that did not need to be included within the assignment.