Symbolism, Icons and Signs

Symbolism, Icons, Signs/Cods/Semiotics

Symbolism can play a very important part in the create if a piece of art such as a poster, brochure or even something like a business card. Depending on the symbol that you use this can make your brand recognisable. Icons and signs can also play a large part in making your brand recognisable. If your brand has a good reputation, then this can almost be used as a marketing technique as people will recognise your brand which will make a company more prestige’s


Symbolism is a late nineteenth-century art movement of French, Russian and Belgian origin in poetry and other arts. In literature, the style originates with the 1857 publication of Charles Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du mal. The works of Edgar Allan Poe, which Baudelaire admired greatly and translated into French, were a significant influence and the source of many stock tropes and images. The aesthetic was developed by Stéphane Mallarmé and Paul Verlaine during the 1860s and 1870s. In the 1880s, the aesthetic was articulated by a series of manifestos and attracted a generation of writers. The name “symbolist” itself was first applied by the critic Jean Moréas, who invented the term to distinguish the symbolists from the related decadents of literature and of art.


An icon is very like a symbol that basically represents something. In art the definition of an icon was a picture that would have Christ in it. This would then be used a religious icon. An icon is usually a picture to symbol that basically means something and represents a certain cause.


Semiotics is the study of meaning-making, the study of sign processes and meaningful communication.[1] This includes the study of signs and sign processes (semiosis), indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication.

Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics, which, for its part, studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically. The semiotic tradition explores the study of signs and symbols as a significant part of communications. As different from linguistics, however, semiotics also studies non-linguistic sign systems. Semiotics may be divided into three branches.