Reflective Review

Reflective Review

Whenever it comes to these current task I feel like I have learnt quite an incredible amount from what I knew whenever I first started to do this task. Throughout this task I started to learn the basics of graphic design and what really pushed famous graphic designers whenever creating their own pieces of work. In this task I learn how famous art movements influenced the certain decisions of famous graphic designers and how much these famous graphic designers used this to their own use to create fantastic pieces of work and revolutionise the industry. One of the main things that I learnt even whenever creating my own pieces of graphic design is how important the message is that your piece of art gives and also how important it is to make sure that the message that it is giving off is the proper message and not a false message. If a certain piece of art does give off a false message, then it is considered as a useless piece and does not do what it was particularly created for in the first place. Whenever it comes to the artists that I researched and read up about, the one thing that I have learnt from this is that it is extremely difficult to create your own unique style and also brand identity as there are many different designs methods and processes to go through.

If I was to redo this complete assignment again there are many different improvements that I would make in terms of what I have done. One of the first things that I would improve on if I were to do this assignment over would be to make a more sophisticated and more well thought out logo design, I also feel like I would plan my time better to be able to create the best pieces of my ability. If I were to do the assignment again I also feel that I would make sure that certain colours in my designs would contrast better with other different colours as some of the colours that I used might work differently with other colours and might not fit properly. If I were to do the assignment again I would also improve upon my current t-shirt design and put a bit more effort into the design process of the t-shirt itself as I ran out of time in the end to come up with some more stuff to put into the t-shirt design itself. Even saying all of this stuff I still feel however that the message that I wanted to get across which was anti-discrimination was conveyed successfully throughout all of my pieces as I used the right colours and layouts to convey the message properly.

There were many different elements of design that I used throughout the entire document and assignment particularly including brand identity. The design elements that I would have used more than others in brand identity would have been colour which was implemented throughout my entire document as it is one of the most important design elements that you need to use in graphic design. The main thing that I kept white in most of my documents mainly was the background as I did not need much colour for the background as I implemented colour in my logo, however I did need colour for the background of the business card to eliminate white space. Whenever using colour in my document it mainly helped me make sure that I showed what the brand was about as colour helped this is quite a large way.



I feel like in this particular assignment there where quite a number of different strengths. One of them strengths being that I used quite vivid and also bright colours which mainly provokes mental stimulation and makes people happier about what they are doing. I also found that my logo looks like people in a circle joining hands which basically symbolises friendship and staying together as one.


Even though their where many advantages to my brand identity I also found that their where multiple disadvantages of my brand identity. I feel like my logo lacked quite a bit whenever it comes to originality and I also feel that in most of my designs white space was quite an issue as I did not use any colour for the background most of the times. I also feel like the typography that I used lacked quite significantly and could have been a lot more fun and bright rather than bold and dull.


This particular assignment gave me multiple opportunities to learn about different graphic designers through the ages. I also had the opportunity to go into a lot of depth in terms of typography and learn the particular different types of typography that I used.


In this case I feel like there was multiple threats that I face whenever completing this assignment, one threat is always there and that threat is time. For this assignment we had an extremely limited amount of time to complete the assignment which meant I could not put all of my effort into some of my designs as I was running out of time to complete them. As we had over the Easter holidays to do this it was a lot harder to keep up with personal deadlines as there was multiple distractions at home to keep u from your work. Also the fact that there were multiple different programmes that I had not used before so I had to learn all of the programmes new which was hard considering the amount of time we had to do the actual assignment itself.

I feel like the most important skill to complete this assignment would be time management and also organisational skills. To be able to complete this assignment up to a high standard and also be able to get your work in in a limited amount of time is an extremely hard thing to do. I found the research that we completed extremely useful as it taught me things about certain graphic designers that I did not know before.

To conclude I feel like there was multiple things about this assignment that I enjoyed but I also feel like there was stuff that I did not enjoy doing and I also feel like the time constraint on the assignment itself is quite harsh. Overall I feel like I did enjoy the assignment and I found all the research that I received extremely helpful.