Principles And Elements of Design

Principles and Elements of Design

The main elements of design are the building blocks to create pieces of art. Without the main elements of design, you could not create the pieces of art that you need too in order for the art itself to give appropriate point across to the viewer. Without the elements and principles of design the pieces of art would not give across the appropriate message.

The main principles of design are usually thought off as what we do to the elements of design. How that particular person applies the principles of design determines how good the piece of art actually is in the first place. If the person does not apply the principles of design correctly, then the piece of art that they create will not be as good and possibly not give across the correct message to the viewer.

The elements of Design

There are many different categories in terms of the elements of design. These categories are:

  • Line
  • Shape
  • Direction
  • Size
  • Texture
  • Colour
  • Value

Each one of the elements play a very important significance whenever creating pieces of art. Each one of these categories are extremely important and need to be applied to a pieces of art in a certain way to give the right effect to that particular piece of art.

The Principles of Design

These are also many different principles that a creator or artist must follow in order to create a piece of work with the wright meaning, these principles are:

  • Balance
  • Gradation
  • Repetition
  • Contrast
  • Harmony
  • Dominance
  • Unity

Each one of these principles play a very important role in creating a piece of art. Each artist has to master each one of these principles and be able to shape them to his/her will to create the piece that the artist has envisioned in their head.