Planning and Research

Research and Planning 

Packaging Research

The packaging on an on a box or a parcel is the first thing that a person sees whenever they first see the package itself.  This is on of the reasons why the packaging is so important and crucial for a customer to be satisfied with the package and make the package more exciting to open. In order to make sure that you have good packaging on your product you need to include things such as a unique and also fancy logo that will stand out on the packaging itself so that the packaging is attractive and not too boring for the customer. Another thing that is important whenever making packaging is the unique design that should be included on the logo itself to make the logo stand out from other different packages and also that the packaging is unique and looks colourful and presentable to the customer.

Sugar Free

Sugar free is basically foods that do not contain any or almost no sugar in them whenever they are made, the food is naturally grown and does not contain any sugar in it or also does not contain any added sugar. Many people today do not want sugar to be in their diet fro many different reasons such as dieting or even lowering their blood pressure. In foods today sugar is placed in also every food to add flavour because if that food did not contain sugar then it would not be as tasty and would not sell as well for the companies selling the foods. Some people today say that sugar is the new tobacco as it is addicting and can make people want to eat more of the certain food or snack. Experts say that the more sugar that your body intakes, the more that the body will store it and create it as fat. This is one of the reason why people today are limiting the amount of sugar that they intake and it is important that people cut down and check how much sugar there is in a certain food or snack.

Diary Free

There are more and more people today who are suffering from a diary free problem today and more people are starting to move away from diary foods for many different reasons. Some people are allergic to different milk or diary products, other people stay away from this type of product because they are trying to diet and they say that milk products contain more calories than other types of products that are on the market today. Some people use non diary free products as their diet to loose weight as milky products contain an enormous amount of fat. Today people are surprised to find out that certain products contain diary additives in them. Things such as breakfast cereals, soups, baby foods or even some processed meats contain diary and if people take part in this diet and do not research on foods that they can and also can not eat then they are surprised to find out that products that they are eating contain diary products.

Gluten Free

A gluten free diet basically excludes the use and consumption of any gluten foods that use gluten in them. Gluten is basically found in and wheat, barley or even rye products. Another type of grain that many people don’t know of is triticale which is a mix of wheat and also rye. People who are allergic to gluten, if gluten is consumed then it may cause celiac disease. However, if you are allergic to any type of gluten then it is not the end of the world as there are many different types of food and also types of

juice that do not contain any gluten products. There are many types of drinks that do not contain gluten such as fruit juice, flavoured water and even most fizzy drinks. Foods that do not contain gluten are meant, fish and most rice.

The feel and style of the web graphics and colours

If you look at the style and feel of the colours, animations, layout and even images that would be used in a web application that would be linked to a company website on gluten free, sugar free or even diary free products. The video and audio products that they would use in this type of website would be very subtle and very bright and clean image would be used to give the viewer a

Use of visual language, colour and typography


Whenever you look at the use of language in a type of sugar free or even gluten free web graphic, you see that the language that I being used is quite light and soft. Sometimes the language that is used can be quite motivating and motivate that person to keep losing weight and not give up. The language that is on the packaging is usually quite limited and the language that is used is usually very minimal on the packaging itself.


When you see that colours such as very light shades and designs are used so that the web graphic is not too in your face, other colours that are used in these type of web graphics are mainly light blues and lighter shades of colours as the colours are trying to give the viewer a nice feel and to persuade them to buy or visit this web page or buy this product as they usually stand out from the rest of the packaging or websites as they are very light colours.


In terms of the typography that is used within this type of web graphic, it would not need to be a certain style however this would be depending on the type of web graphic that you would be using. The typography that would be used would mainly be quite light and not too in your face, the typography would also be not too complicated and would be quite plain.

Contemporary Packaging Designs

Contemporary Design Image1

This design is an example of the contemporary design that I would consider using for my packaging as it is quite modern and gives a bit of a modern feel. The colours that is used within the actual packaging I feel that the colours are bright and I feel like it would match the idea that I am looking to do in my own design and also packaging. I feel like the shape of the box would also be good for my own design and would make the designs stand out. This packaging idea is made by Stockholm Design Lab and this packaging is owned by Askul Packaging.

Contemporary Design Image2

In terms of this packaging idea I feel like it would match my own packaging ideas quite well as it is quite colour and unusual in the way that its style is. Both the typography and also the colour would be quite good for my own packaging ideas it they are very out of the box. The design for this is for tea, this is why they used the tree branches in the background to represent the style of a tree. The name of this designer is One Darnley Road.

Contemporary Design Image3

This type of packaging is quite modern and the test and the title of the packaging itself is quite small, the rest of the packaging itself is also very limited and does not include a lot of images on it. This is an idea that I might use for my own designs. However, this would be one of my last ideas as the idea itself is not great as there is a lot of white space showing and does not include a lot of images or even text.

Contemporary Design Image4

In terms of this idea I feel that this design idea is also quite modern as a lot of different designs today are quite modern and futuristic. A modern design is trying to put across a clean feel to it and can also give the packaging a modern look to it. This type of packaging also uses dark colours and not many images or design on the packaging itself.

Contemporary Design Image5

This packaging design I feel that this appeals a lot to the packaging that I want to do. This packaging looks modern and also realistic as there is not an overflow of images or designs as they have kept this quite clean and tidy with the design that they have chosen and this is the feel that I personally want in my own design.

Augmented Reality in Graphic Design

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality is mainly a technology that superimposes a computer generated image on a user’s view of the actual real world. By doing this it will provide a composite view of the real world to the user. AR is mainly a direct or indirect view of the physical real world environment. The elements of the environment are augmented by computer generated input such as video, graphics or even sound. There are many different types of augmented reality out there today, technology such as smartphones, tablet computers. Another example of this would be the Google glasses as they create an image of the real world by using a GPS system inside the glasses which tells you the review of a restaurant as you walk past it.

Augmented Reality in Graphic Design

Technology has come quite far from what it used to be around 20 to 30 years ago. Nowadays technology has taken over people’s lives and has also moved in to most workplaces to make a day to day job a lot easier to do with the use of technology. Whenever it comes to the graphic design industry, I would say that technology such as touchscreen tablets and computer would help as you would not need to use paper anymore to plan out ideas. Touchable holograms used to be something of the future however nowadays touchable holograms is something that is beginning to look a lot more real.

Bibliography, 22nd of April 2015), (accessed: 22nd of April 2015), (accessed 22th of April 2015), (accessed 22th of April 2015), (accessed 26th of April 2015)

Wikipedia, (accessed 26th of April 2015)

Color Matters, (accessed 27th of April 2016)