


In this project we have been asked to create a customer poster that is inspired by the theme of directions. The poster has to be based on a theme of our choice that will be chosen from a choice of movements such as:

  • Bauhaus
  • Conventionalist
  • Dada
  • International Typography

The work that we have been asked to complete will be completed over 4 weeks and will also be consistently updated onto a customer blog using WordPress and will be displayed onto this blog application throughout the year to display the work that has been completed.

What I have learnt from this assignment

As I have progressed through this assignment I feel that my skills in Illustrator have progressed quite a lot and I also feel that I have improved my ability with working with editing software such as Photoshop and as well as illustrator. I also feel that I have improved my ability with creating images and using shapes to crate images. I also feel that the previous unit that I completed helped to improve my creative ability so that I would be able to improve the look of my work. I have also learnt that creating the right files and storing your work in order will help you when organising your work so that you are not constantly looking for stuff within your files. I have learnt that basing your work off a certain movement or type of work will give you the inspiration that is needed to create your own piece of work. Whenever it comes to the research I feel that my knowledge has improved significantly of the different art movement and what styles each of these movement use within their own designs.

What I would improve upon

In terms of what I would improve if I repeated the assignment is that I feel that I should have taken a lot more time to consider the style of my poster. I also feel that if I was to do the assignment again I would use a lot more scanned images and would take a lot more time to try and fit more scanned images in rather than just using shapes and images even through that was the style of the movement that I had chosen to do. I also feel that I should have given more time to the creation of the CD cover as I feel that I spent too much time focusing on the poster itself and that I did not give enough time to the creation of the CD cover itself. If in my poster I used more scanned images, then this might display the message to the viewer a lot clear and would have gotten the message across quicker. If re-doing this assignment I also feel that I could have put a lot more time and also effort into the thumbnails themselves. As we did not have a lot of time to do the assignment and also because I cannot sketch extremely well then this came across in the thumbnails that I created. However, I am satisfied with the work that will be submitted and I feel that it is the best that I can do with the time that we have been given to complete the assignment.

Message Conveyed

I feel that I have achieved the message in my poster that I wanted to be displayed, however I feel that I could have involved a lot more into the poster itself such as scanned images to help portray the message to the audience a lot more so that they would feel that the poster is a lot more helped. I feel like the poster that I have created would catch your eye quite well in an airport and because of the colours that I have used in the poster I feel that it would catch a person’s eye if they got stuck for directions. I also feel because the poster itself is so unusual that it would be eye catching enough to catch a person’s attention as the position of the shapes and letters have been used in the poster are quite unusual.

The elements of design the poster contains

In terms of the elements of design that have been used in my poster, it did not use a lot of scanned images, however I feel that with the types of shapes and also lines that I have created in the poster and with the positioning of them I feel that that scanned images are not particularly needed as the movement was mainly made up of just shapes and sharp lines. When creating the typography for the poster I used a Bauhaus font and put my own twist on this and made some of the letters link up with other parts of the poster to give it a modern feel and make the poster stand out. In the poster I mainly used sharp lines and bright colours as well as different sizes of squares that where outlined in thick black lines.

Does the design match the original intension?

When looking at the poster I feel that this was what I wanted to do at the start of the assignment, however after doing some experiments I added some extra stuff to the poster itself to give it more of a kick. At the start of the assignment the idea that I had in my head is slightly different from the final poster now but I believe that the final poster that I have created is significantly better than the original idea that I had and also wanted to do as I liked working with shapes and also at the start I wanted to give the poster itself a modern feel which I feel that I have achieved in the final poster that I have produced. However, the colours that I have used in my final poster are slightly different to what I had in mind, however I feel that the colours that I have used better than what I had planned.


Strengths: Whenever it comes to Strengths that I feel I had in this assignment was that I feel like I am pretty good with doing write ups and also researching information. Because I feel that I am ok with doing write ups then I feel that I will possibly get better marks in the write ups as I feel that I am more experienced in doing them and know what is needed in them as I have completed a lot of them over the courses that I have completed.

Weaknesses: In terms of weaknesses I feel like I have in this assignment is that I am not extremely creative and also have not used the programmes before which therefore meant that I had to look at some tutorials so that I could get used to the programme and learn how to operate it. This took a lot of time to do which meant that I had less time to create the actual ideas that I had.


In terms of opportunities that I had whenever creating my poster, I feel that I had the opportunity to choose what my final poster was going to be therefore out of the three pieces that I created I could choose which one that I choose as my final piece.

Threats: Threats that I face whenever creating my poster is that the programme itself crashes quite significantly, therefore I lost some of my work. This then meant that I had to save my work quite a lot which was quite difficult whenever creating my poster.

Planning, Research and Management

In terms of planning for the assignment a schedule was made up for me to be able to keep up with and also stay on top of the things that I had to do within the assignment. I feel that I kept on top of the schedule quite well and also kept up to date with what I said I was going to do on each day. However, I feel that on some days I did more or less than was said as I had other coursework to do on that day. In terms of research, I feel that I did quite a significant amount of research as I needed to be able to work Illustrator and Photoshop and learn how to use the software.