Developments In Technology/Impact on Graphics

Developments of Technology on Graphics

Developments in Technology

Whenever it comes to the developments in technology, technology nowadays has progressed quite significantly from what it was around 40-50 years ago. Many different technologies have changed from then. Things such as mobile phones, office equipment, household goods, designing, fitness etc. There are multiple items today that have technology in them, this is a clear indication that the world is getting more advanced in the things that we do. Many different industries today use technology to maximise efficiency and also to make their business more profitable. Technology today is also begging to take over the role of us humans in terms of creating products to just doing household chores. One industry that has benefited significantly from the evolution in technology is the graphic design industry, years ago graphic designer would have to use their raw skill when creating things such as posters, brochures etc. Nowadays that hasn’t changed however the significant different is today graphic designer have multiple tools in the form of technology to help them create their forms of art. These different types of technology can range from tablets right the whole way computer programmes that help the graphic designer create their piece with more efficiency and precision.

Impact on graphics

Technology has had a large impact on almost all of the areas of graphic design, whenever you look at the interactive side of technology this has greatly affected graphic design as touch screens are now a thing that technology has introduced to the world of graphic design and this has greatly improved the way that graphic designers create their pieces as they can now draw out plans on a table with their own fingers as the ready with the help from the programme itself, this has greatly increased the efficiency and precision that graphic designers are able to create their pieces.

Another area in which technology has impacted would be motion graphics, today graphic designers use certain programmes which not only helps they create their pieces but also enables them to be able to create motion graphics that move and change, back in the beginning of graphic design this would not have been possible as the technology to do it would not have been invented yet. There are also many other different areas in which have been effected by technology. These areas are blogs, websites and also the web and also mobile applications. Technology has advanced to where people can now access things such as blogs and websites on the go wherever they are and do not have to be stuck at a computer at home. Technology has also improved the use of blogs to where they are not bland and have a bit of interactivity within they to the point where the creator can implement things such as PowerPoint slides, popup windows, audio and even photo collages. This can make all the different in terms of how attractive the blog is and this can now be done today because of how much technology has advanced.