Design Planning



In this task I have been approached by a small company that wishes to start up a small company which specialises in gluten free, sugar free and diary free products due to an increase of food tolerances. The company wish to produce a range of products such as energy bars, cakes, breads, sweet treats using a range of healthy ingredients. The company are planning on targeting an age range from late twenties to early forties. The company are looking us to design a package and also a brand name.

Discuss ideas

The ideas that I have for my packaging is basically that I want to create something that is a little modern and also is not too messy on the front of the packaging itself. I want to use modern colours such as browns, greys and blacks in my packaging. I will also make sure that the packaging is not too crowded on the front of the package. In my packaging I am hoping to use multiple different shapes to create patterns that look modern and that basically catch your eye if they were put on a shelf. I also hope to pick a modern name for the branding to make the package stand out and be different from all of the other brands out there and to make the company stand out as well.

Discuss design principles

The main design principles that will be included in my packaging will be that there will be a lot of shapes that will be used as it will make the packaging look good and stand out. Using different shapes within the packaging will make the packing unique. The category that I have chosen for my packaging is sweets. I choose sweets as I feel like I could have more colours within my packaging and so that I could produce a package that was smaller than normally so that I can make a design that will fit a smaller package. In the packaging itself I will need to include an ingredients layout that will show what ingredients is used when making the sweets themselves as they are supposed to be sugar free. I will also need to include a barcode within the back of the design so that they are able to be scanned whenever they are being bought.


Whenever it comes to the colour that I will be using in my packaging, I feel like I want to use lighter colours in my packaging as lighter colours would be better for a sweet box or bag. The colours that I will be hoping to use will mainly be browns, light cream colours and possibly light reds or even light blues. The colour of the font that I will be using will most likely be black to give across a modern feel to the packaging as the black will match the browns or any other light colour that I will use within my design. The main colour that I hope to be using within my design is the lighter brown colour for some of the shapes that I will be using. Secondary colours that I will be using will mainly be reds and possibly dark brown colours to blend in with some of the shapes that I will be using.


Whenever it comes to typography that I will be using in this task, I feel like I needed a double join writing typography for this package as I want to make it look luxurious and of very high quality. However, I don’t not want to use a font type that will result in the viewer not being able to read the title itself. For the secondary title on the packaging I will most likely be using the same type of typography as I will for the main title itself because mixing the titles typography would make the packaging look un professional looking. Typography will be important for my final pieces as the typography will need to be perfect to give across the right impression to the viewer.


The brand that I will hope to create will mainly be a very modern design brand. The brand itself I hope will be very modern and luxury and will appeal to the older audience. The brand will be put across to the viewer as modern.

Design Layout

The design layout that I am planning for the packaging will mainly be that there will be shapes situated around the edges and also top and bottom of the packaging, I also hope to add a design in the background of the package and make the background slightly transparent so that the background images do not show as clearly as the shapes around the back front and sides of the design.


List of Resources

In my assignment I will use different types of resources that will help me in creating and finishing my assignment and creating my final packaging design. The list of resources that I will use within my assignment will be:

  • Moodle Facility’s so that I can access the different layouts that I need to produce the thumbnails and also other material to help me with the assignment.
  • Adobe Illustrator Programme will be required to produce some of the graphic design components that are required for the assignment.
  • Printer and also scanner will be needed to print and scan stuff onto the computer for deadline day.
  • Paper (both A3 and A4) will be needed as well as Ink that will be required as an essential to print out different layouts for thumbnails and the ink will be for the printer to print them out.
  • Microsoft Word will be needed to write up all of the research documents and also the design planning stages.
  • School Computer Facility’s will be required to complete work in school at class time to limit the work at home.
  • Colouring Pencils will be needed to colour the designs in that I complete for the thumbnail sketches.
  • The use of a camera will be needed to take pictures of the final product.