Design Development Documentation

Design Development Documentation

Experiment 1

Experiment 1-1

In this screenshot I began to test out some different ideas that I might be able to use for a type of design. As this was my first experiment I did not turn out very good.

Experiment 1-2

Experiment 1-3

After I created on design type I selected “Object” and then selected pattern to automatically make more of the type of shape that I was using to create a type of pattern on the page.

Experiment 1-4

This was the final outcome after I used the patter tool.

Experiment 1-5

Once I had created the pattern I then decided to change the colour of the pattern to a dark grey colour as it suited the theme more than the blue that I was using at the start. At this stage I also began to work on my logo on the front of the package.

Experiment 1-6

This was the final design of the first experiment that I did. I also changed the background to match the colour choices that I used within the design itself.

Experiment 2

Experiment 2-1

In the beginning I decided to draw a wavy line and then copy and paste it to create an identical wavy line.

Experiment 2-2

After creating the two lines I used a tool that would create multiple lines in between the two lines that I originally created to create a certain cool modern pattern.

Experiment 2-3

I then changed the colour of one side of the lines to a lighter blue than the other to create a unique effect that would make it look like the colours where getting darker along the lines.

Experiment 2-4

Experiment 2-5

I then decided to add just a blue background into the design itself and changed the light blue colour on the lines to white so that it could match in with the background.

Experiment 2-6

The was the design that I came up with before I made my final logo cover and then took it out of my previous experiment.

7Experiment 2-7

When I took the logo out of the previous experiment I made sure that I changed the colour of the logo slightly to match the colour of the background that I used.

Experiment 3

Experiment 3-1

In the start of the third experiment I decided to experiment a bit with actual made designs. I then took one of the pre-made flower designs and changed the design itself around a little by adding a couple of shapes in the middle of the design to make it my own.

Experiment 3-2

After changing some of the shapes I then made my design in the middle of the design and insert my logo into the design.

Experiment 3-3

I then started to add the typography into the design and add my logo into it.

Experiment 3-4

This was the final design that I got for the third experiment that I did for the assignment just so that I could play around with pre-made shapes.

Final Design

Final Design 1

What ended up being my final design I started off with a pre-made image and switched it around a little to make more of them, I change the colour and made the design itself slightly transparent so that I could be used for a background.

Final Design 2

In this screenshot I started to add different other types of shapes the same as the background however they are a different colour fading in and out, I decided to place these shapes at the sides of the page.

Final Design 3

Final Design 4

Final Design 5

After I added all of the different shapes in I then added my original logo into the centre of the design and adjusted the colour to what I wanted it to be.

Final Design 6

This is the final design that I choose in to be my final print as I think it represented what I wanted the product to be better than the other designs that I had designed.